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Why do we write this damn thing? And what if?

Before the leap forward technology so called the web 2.0. We, human used to wrote our ideas, thought, emotion, frustration in one tiny thing called diary book. It’s so private, and personal. I still remember my sister used to put her diary key in a secret place until she lost the key and eventually throw away the book.

But now technology has change our behavior pattern (again), people start sharing their ideas, thought, and emotion in a limitless book shelves called blog. So why do people write something personal and then post it on a blog? Aren’t they used to have done this privately?

I believe the very fundamental reason for this behavior pattern is that we are created to be social living creatures. Hell!! Almost every living thing needs others. (If you find one that doesn’t let me know that should be interesting to discuss) we need to share something to others. We need it it’s the most fundamental thing.

The development of technology gave us practical tool to share and interact, no matter what you want to share and interact; either it’s a scandal in your office, how your miserable day starts and ends, or even as simply as your private silly small things. We need to communicate. It’s not about people wanting attention from others it’s about interaction between individual, and I accept as true that is the basic of everything

Now I just want to take you further outside the damn box. Imagine this. If God create us as a super breed human, we don’t need others in order to breed, we don’t need to communicate with others in order to express our feelings wouldn’t be the world be a quiet place. There will be no web, television, there isn’t going to be a word called communication, worst probably there will be no language isn’t it? And if you take this one step further probably there will be no invention that relates to human interaction which I believe everything that are invented are based on interaction. (Wow!! this is heavy stuff)

If you have clues how we’re going to end up as a super breed human write me. That should be funny and interesting
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